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Personal Information Journal

A comprehensive, user-friendly guide that helps you assemble, organize, and track all your critical personal and financial information.

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Accounting for assets, liabilities, and other financial transactions will eventually be necessary. It’s not a simple job, but with the Personal Information Journal you’ll be easily manage this task. The journal will help you keep track of all your financial dealings and you will be able to organize them easily.

The Personal Information Journal is a comprehensive, user-friendly guide that helps you assemble, organize, and track all your critical personal and financial information. With over 50 distinct categories, the Personal Information Journal covers everything from medical records to banking information to insurance policies.

I dealt with exact same problem ten years ago with my father who had Alzheimer’s. His finances were a nightmare, and I didn’t know what he had and where.


Ralph A.

What’s inside

The Personal Information Journal is a comprehensive guide that helps you safely store all of your personal and financial information in one place.

Major reasons to organize your personal and financial information:

  • Instant access: Having your information organized will save you time and frustration when finding it. You won’t have to spend hours searching through piles of papers or remembering where you put something.

  • Protection: Organizing your information can protect it in case of a disaster, such as a fire, flood, or theft. By having a copy of your information in a safe place, you can reduce the risk of losing everything.

  • Accuracy: Reviewing your information regularly can help you ensure accuracy and up-to-dateness. This can be helpful for tax planning, insurance claims, and other financial matters.

  • Estate planning: Organizing your information can make it easier for your loved ones to handle your affairs if you become incapacitated or pass away. This can reduce probate stress and expense.

  • Peace of mind: Knowing your information is organized and secure can give you peace of mind. This can help you focus on other things, such as your career, family, and hobbies.


Family Information

Medical including primary medical information, medications, medical conditions, personal/family medical history. Funeral information and wills


Important People

Advisors, professionals, family, friends, and service providers


Banking & Brokerage

Banking, brokerage, custodial accounts, certificates of deposit, credit/debit cards, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

Insurance & Other Financial

Income, insurance (health, life, vehicle, LTC, home, annuities). Loans, debts, Mortgages, other investments, and retirement accounts



Personal property, real estate, real estate improvements, vehicles, stored documents


Important dates/events, links, access codes, passwords, and loyalty programs

Why it works

Simple, it enables you to finally have a simple, comprehensive inventory of every aspect of your life and gives you control of all your personal and financial information.

This book will help you organize all your information so you and your advisors can document and make important decisions for estate planning and postmortem filing preparation.

Our stepfather, our father and now our mother have all been promoted to heaven. We’ve gradually learned a lot, and this sort of thing can be an immense help to you. I really encourage you to download this. Read through it, then save it for future reference.

I know of a family that is near and dear who are struggling because they didn’t know some of this stuff. I believe at least one attorney is now involved.

Please honor your elders and your family name by looking things like this over to make yourselves and your siblings aware.

Lynn MacIntyre

I went through exactly this for ten years with my father with Alzheimer’s. His finances were a never-ending nightmare, and how can you make a list of assets when you don’t know what there is. I had uncovered extensive fraud and if you are dealing with someone that has dementia it’s important to look at everything!

Bottom line, your family needs to know what your wishes are. Every day is a gift and when you are gone, please give the gift of having your last wishes and affairs in order for those left behind.


Ellen Capone, L.C.S.W.


Let me ask you . . . 

Do you ever feel like your personal and financial information is scattered all over the place?

Do you have trouble keeping track of your passwords, account numbers, and other sensitive data?

If so, you’re not alone. In today’s digital age, it’s more critical than ever to have a system for organizing and tracking your personal information.

The Personal Information Journal is the perfect way to protect your personal and financial data. By keeping all your information in one place, you can easily access it when you need it. You can rest assured that it is safe and secure.

Why should you buy this book?


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Organize your life and your data.

We are offering a copy of the Personal Information Journal at an introductory price of $4.95.

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